A weekend spent laughing with friends about horribly-made Tagalog horror movies, discovering almond vanilla ice cream, and witnessing a special day in a friend’s life.

Day I

waiting for friends at the mactan international airport

waiting for friends at the mactan international airport

teeny tiny little plane

teeny tiny little plane

davao international airport

davao international airport



wedding ceremony (groom only; bride not allowed inside)

wedding ceremony (groom only; bride not allowed inside)

after the ceremony (bride is now introduced to the crowd)

after the ceremony (bride is now introduced to the crowd)

satchmo's time to shine

satchmo's time to shine

why, hello there, david

why, hello there, david



riding at the back of a truck through chinatown

riding at the back of a truck through chinatown

*Chunks of time with no photographs were spent sleeping.